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10 Prevention Tips for 10 Pests

10 Prevention Tips for 10 Pests

Rodents and pests aren’t just a nuisance to your home: They can adversely affect the health of you and your family. This makes insect prevention critical in protecting Florida homes and anywhere else humans live. At Command Pest Control, we’ve put together some tips for preventing common household pests.

Ants: Most ant species will succumb to boric acid traps. Some trap packaging may label the ingredient as orthoboric acid.

Centipedes: These critters favor damp areas of the Florida home, so be sure to mop and dry up any wet areas, especially in basements, porches and garages. It may be worth getting a dehumidifier, and you’ll want to fix foundation cracks and plumbing leaks.

Roaches: These hard-to-kill bugs will require a particular chemical to free your home of these pests. Like ants, you can likely get rid of your pests with boric acid or similar chemical poisons.

Crickets: If you hear crickets in your home, you can trick it with a strip of duct tape. Place it on the ground near the sound so the sticky side is up, attracting the bug and getting it stuck.

Fleas: Launder fabrics in hot water, especially slipcovers, pillow covers, rugs and anywhere else the pets sleep. If basic laundering won’t help, then it’s time to use chemicals; get flea-killing shampoo for your pets and vet-recommended treatment.

Houseflies: Sticky strips and fly swatters are the best remedy for this. It’s best to avoid toxic chemical spray, but pay extremely close attention to the instructions if you need them.

Mosquitoes: Standing water makes for great mosquito breeding ground, so remove anything that may hold rain water, drying out existing pools throughout the property. We recommend filling the uneven parts of the yard with top-notch soil.

Moths: White moths suggest larvae live indoors too, eating fabrics. Flying moths can be caught with pheromone traps, and fabric-clinging larvae can be killed in hot water. Use cedar accessories or mothballs.

Spiders: If possible, don’t kill them; the brown recluse and black widow are venomous, but most work to our benefit as they consume other insects. Try to vacuum webs and sacs, shaking the canister outside. Capture whole spiders alive and release it outdoors as well.

Termites: These pests require professional intervention to prevent serious structural damage.

Remember, when in doubt, give us a call to answer your questions!

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