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15 Myths About Pest Control

15 Myths About Pest Control

From small creepy-crawlers to sizable animals, pests come in various types and sizes. Dealing with pests is something that turns into a chore once they take residency in your home. South Florida pest control professionals are able to identify how to deal with your pest problem safely and effectively.

There are tons of myths and untruths about pests in your home. In this article we debunk the myths about pest control and work to bring light to the importance of tackling pest problems the right way.

If you don’t see pests – you don’t have a pest problem.
Nearly all pests are good at hiding so “out of sight, out of mind” is never the approach when considering the usefulness of pest control in South Florida. Keep in mind that the pests that are hard to see or spot tend to pose the highest risks.

Apply bug spray when the sun goes down. 
If you are applying bug spray after sundown you are doing it wrongly. Many people believe when mosquitoes and other creepy-crawlers come out if is only after dark. However, these insects can even attack you during the day so it is good to stay prepared, always.

Cockroaches only live in dirty homes.
Cockroaches are resilient and have been around for millions of years, thus expect them even in the cleanest of homes and in the dumpiest of apartments. While roaches do prefer dirty and unsanitary places, they can thrive in clean places if they can access an abundance of food and water.

Cheese is an effective bait for mice.
Cartoons have made the notion that cheese baits mice. While it may have some level of effectiveness, mice have a high preference for sugary foods such as peanut butter, cookies, and cereal.

Pest control in South Florida is very expensive.
Dealing with some pests, especially those that hide in hard-to-find places, can be expensive to treat. However, most treatment is affordable. If you allow pests to multiply in your home you may be facing much more cost to repair your home from the damage they may have caused.

Bug bombs can treat bed bugs.  
Bug bombs may work but only to some degree. Using a bug bomb to get rid of bed bugs only works on the outwardly exposed surfaces. It will not reach the deep crevices and burrows where bed bugs prefer to nest and lay eggs.

Cats are natural ways to keep mice at bay. 
If you have a pet cat and believe that it will keep your home free from rats and other rodents, think again. Rodents can travel in areas your cat cannot reach such as behind walls or in air ducts.

Ultrasonic repellants are safe and effective.
Ultrasonic repellants come in different types, each professing to be effective, but no conclusive findings have ultrasonic success.

Bug zappers keep mosquitoes away.
Bright light has little effect on mosquitoes so bug zappers never work. The zapper only work on certain insects such as moths that are attracted to lights.

Pest control starts when there is a problem.  
Many people take action when they note a pest problem, however preventive pest control is the most effective form. Consulting with a pest control professional in South Florida is the recommended first step to keeping pests at bay.

Clean homes do not have pests.
Pest control experts advise people to have and maintain a clean home, this does not mean that the home will not have pests. Bed bugs, cockroaches, and even rats can live in a clean home just as long as they have a reliable food source.

Pesticides are safe for children and family pets. 
Pesticides are more dangerous than the pests in many cases. However, when applied by pest control specialists it is applied with care and knowledge on the proper placement. When used the right way, the pesticides and other products help keep living spaces where children and pets eat, play, and sleep clean and free from pests and diseases as safely and effectively as possible.

Rats are filthy.
Rats are clean and spend more than half of their time cleaning their quarters. If you can keenly inspect a rat hive, you will find that is has quarters where the rats go to poop and pee, which is separate from where they sleep similar to that of dogs.

Boiling water destroys ants.
Yes, boiling water can kill ants but only those on and close to the surface of the ant hill. However, it will not work if you intend to kill an entire nest of ants, which means reaching the heart of the nest located deep underground where the queen resides with her eggs. By the time the water reaches the queen it is likely to be very cool.

All pest activity disappears after treatment. 
One of the most common myths about pest control in South Florida and other areas is that all pests activity will be gone immediately after the extermination and eradication process. In truth it may take more than one treatment or routine treatments to rid your home or structure of pests. In some cases, pests may lay eggs (such as insects whose eggs can take three weeks to hatch), the use of a certain method may only kill the adults and nymphs but not the eggs. Therefore, the risk of a recurrence cannot be overlooked. Many pest control methods require repeat treatment.


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