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Pest Control Guide for South Florida

Pest Control Guide for South Florida

It is the time of year that the weather is beginning to change. So are the types of bugs that will pester your home. This fall as the weather changes the bugs and rodents will begin seeking shelter indoors to stay warm. The National Pest Management Association reminds homeowners of the importance that fall pest-proofing can work in keeping pests from making your home into theirs. If you don’t know when you should call the pest control in South Florida or what to look for in knowing you need an expert, don’t worry, we have that covered.

What is Pest Control?

Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species otherwise known as a pest. Pests can be perceived to be detrimental to a person’s health, disastrous to your home, and even harmful to the economy. A professional in removing pests is otherwise called an exterminator. There are three types of pest controls used for extermination.

Biological — this control is one through management of natural predators and parasites. Mechanical — the use of hands- on techniques as well as simple equipments and devices. Mechanical pest control provides a protective barrier between plants and insects.

Lastly there is physical pest control. The physical method is getting rid of insects and small rodents by removing, attacking, or setting up barriers that will prevent further destruction. This goal of this method is used to force pests to become visible. When a pest control expert in South Florida comes to visit your home they will use one or more of these techniques to protect your home.

Benefits of Pest Control

Regular pest control treatments can seem like an unnecessary cost. However, if an infestation occurs you could spend thousands on extermination and repair costs. Keeping up with regular home and yard maintenance can keep unwanted pests at bay.

Pest control frequency is done based on the location of your home and the type of infestation occurring. For example, if you live in Florida where ants are a main infestation problem then you will need an expert to spray every month until the problem is completely under control. Likewise, if cockroaches have a high infestation rate in your area you will need regular treatments.

When to Call an Expert

When you are unsure of the types of home pesticides that are right for your home we recommend consulting an expert in South Florida. Buying do-it-yourself pest control chemicals can be dangerous if you don’t know the proper precautions to take. If you begin to see pests in your home, it’s safe to say you should make an appointment with a pest control expert. Keep in mind that many pests hide during the day. If you begin to see them out and about it could mean a major problem.

  • Bug Shells
  • Property or house damage
  • Droppings or Urine
  • Scratching or rustling sounds
  • Pest sightings
  • Rodents of unusual size
  • Evidence of nesting
  • Odd smells you can’t get rid of
  • Sagging floors or hollow wood (termites)
  • Ant hills
  • Yard holes, (also known as mole holes)

If any of these signs are occurring in your home we recommend you seek the help of a pest control expert. Having a pest problem doesn’t go away with time, the problem only increases. It is important to consult a professional early on to avoid pest infestation. If pest infestation occurs costly damage could take place. This damage can include structural damage.

The first step in preventing pests from getting into your home is checking your home regularly for any signs of infestations. Begin by looking for signs of pest such as marks, tracks, or smells. Next, seal up areas of possible entry. Refrain from treating your pest problems yourself and consult a pest control expert for your best first steps.

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