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Mouse In the House? 7 Tips On How to Get Rid of Mice

How to Get Rid of Mice | Pest Control Services

Mouse In the House? 7 Tips On How to Get Rid of Mice

Mouse Trap was a fun game for kids in the ’90s, but trying to trap a mouse in your house in real life is less amusing.

Mice are a common nuisance for many homeowners. Mice also seem to go unnoticed until we find their droppings. These small animals have a way of evading us and hiding, but they can do real damage in our homes.

If you have this pest in your home, you may be wondering how to get rid of mice.

Like other rodents, mice like to chew and gnaw. Rodents do this because their teeth are constantly growing. By chewing on your aunt’s wedding dress or your favorite blanket, mice can also create a nest.

This behavior may be endearing when it comes from a pet mouse, but an undomesticated mouse is a downright pest. We may find ourselves constantly cleaning up droppings or finding new items that have been chewed through.

If you find yourself with these unwelcomed guests, then you need to find out how to get rid of them and prevent them from entering your home.

Read on to find out exactly how to get rid of mice so you can return to enjoying your home pest-free.

7 Tips on How to Get Rid of Mice

Mice are tiny creatures, but the damage they do can be extensive. Mice eat multiple times per day and like to find a shelter near food sources. This is why you may find their droppings in your kitchen or pantry.

This presents a major health issue for you and your family, however. Mice can carry diseases which can make humans and other animals sick. This is why it’s extremely important to remove them from your home as soon as you are aware of them.

Wild mice don’t live for long, however. Typically, mice only live for four to 5 months because of predators. Female mice are able to reproduce every 3 weeks starting at 2 months of age, which means you’ll need to act fast when ridding them from your home.

Explore the following advice on how to get rid of mice so you can reclaim your space and live in a healthy, mouse-free house.

1. Exterior Repairs

The first step in ridding mice from your home is prevention. To prevent further infestation, it’s important to inspect the exterior of your home. Look around your home for any cracks or holes in the foundation, siding, or seals.

Fill, fix, and/or repair any cracks and holes to prevent mice from getting in. Mice are very small creatures, so fill in all cracks and holes you think a mouse could fit through.

You can also install door sweeps. Fixing damaged window screens is also a good idea. Storing firewood and garbage bins at least 20 feet from the exterior of your home is a good way to deter mice as well.

2. Food Storage

Mice eat very small amounts of food, which means even small crumbs can keep them satisfied. But, imagine if a mouse was able to get into an entire bag of cereal.

This is why it’s important to store all food in plastic containers. Mice can eat through cardboard and other common food packing materials but can’t typically chew through plastic containers. Make sure these containers are airtight so they won’t attract any furry unwanted guests.

3. Fix Leaks

Pests, like all other animals, need a source of water to survive. Leaking pipes, drains, and moist basements will all attract mice to your home. Any areas where moisture accumulates can also become breeding sites.

Therefore, it’s imperative to fix any leaks and clogs to rid your house of mice.

4. Reduce Clutter

Removing clutter from your home will reduce the number of places a mouse can hide and burrow. Mice may also create nests in cluttered areas.

To start, store boxes on shelves instead of on the floor of your basement or attic.

5. Traps and Bait

Consider setting up mouse traps and poison bait traps around your home. If you have small children or pets, this method can be dangerous to them as well. So, proceed with caution and read the directions thoroughly before setting out any traps.

6. Cleaning

Cleaning your house regularly is very important when it comes to keeping mice away. Vacuum your floors on a regular basis, especially if you eat in other areas besides the kitchen. If possible, aim to only eat in the kitchen at the kitchen table.

You should also wipe down countertops after each meal. Make sure to remove any crumbs in the process. Take out the garbage as often as possible as mice can get into your trash can for a tasty treat.

Lastly, always store your trash in a plastic or metal trash container.

7. Get a Cat

Cats naturally love to hunt mice. Popular cat toys even feature mice as playthings. If you’re open to welcoming a new pet into your home, consider getting a cat.

Many farmers own cats to simply hunt mice. This will leave most of the dirty work to your cats inside of having to rid your home of mice by yourself.

How to Get Rid of Mice and When to Call Pest Control

Knowing how to get rid of mice is sometimes half the battle. Keeping them away for good is a whole other matter. A pest control company will able to help you learn more about mice and reduce the possibility of them returning.

Call a pest control company to remove mice if they are continuously able to get into your home. A large infestation will also call for professional removal.

It’s never a bad idea to call a pest control company to remove mice simply because of safety. Mice do carry diseases, and a professional will have the necessary gear and tools to safely remove them from your home.

Want to get rid of mice from your home? Live in South Florida? Contact us today and schedule an appointment to remove mice and other pests from your home.

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